
Woman with blue hair and sunglasses.

Welcome everyone!

The sole purpose of why I decided to make this a movement is because my dream has always been to give back to the mental health community and hopefully one day go in collaboration with a mental health organization to help raise awareness to people just like you and I, who suffer from depression, social anxiety, postpartum, suicidal thoughts, post-traumatic stress, bipolar disorder, grief, and so many more mental health issues we NEVER speak 🗣 of!

So many times, we wake up not knowing what to wear for the day or for a special occasion, therefore I have created a way to EXPRESS yourself with these special fun and unique styles and trends so we can EXPRESS ourselves completely and freely to the fullest!
We should all feel comfortable in our own skin without the pressures of society telling us what to wear or how we should dress. Name brand or not! The money we spend on our clothes shouldn’t determine who we are! With all our affordable products and accessories, you can start taking control of your inner child again and live without the fear of being judged. Even if it doesn’t match! Get EXTRA for LESS with UNITED EXTRA EXPRESS! 🤎 📧📤

Facebook: United Extra Express
Instagram: @unitedextraexpressinc
YouTube Channel: Coming Soon

Woman with makeup and large hoop earings.

Become an “EXPRESSER” TODAY ! Send us a cute pic with which ever product you loved the most (via email) and you can have chance to be featured on my webpage! Don’t forget to tag us or hashtag #UnitedExtraExpressInc OR #Expressgirls #Expressguys or #ExpressKids

Donate to (NAMI) National Alliance on Mental Illness.

Shop Our Latest Products

Sunglasses and seashells.


The mission here is to one day come in collaboration with a Mental Health organization and give back to the community by raising awareness. No one should be judge by the clothing or accessories they wear. Not to mention, how much it cost or is it designer.  
Material things shouldn’t define a person’s soul. Sometimes we don’t even want to go to the grocery store because we have to get dressed. This is why I have created a platform to EXPRESS yourself in a fun way without the fear of being judged.
If we all stay UNITED, the sky is the limit! We all matter! YOU matter! Mental Health MATTERS! We need to stop ignoring the signs and start doing things that make us happy and comfortable in our own skin. Self-love is the best love. 💕