
Woman wearing round glasses with a yellow wall behind her.

What's New at
United Extra Express

UNITED EXTRA EXPRESS INC has been helping people discover their inner self through fashion and their online blog since 2020. We understand that poor mental health can lead to a life of uncertainty, and we’re here to help. We’re dedicated to bringing awareness to mental health. You’ll no longer question your place in the world. For decades, many people have battled with inner conflict because of age, career, finances, sexual orientation, and more.

You’re no longer forced to suffer in silence. Our services are available nationwide and are available to a diverse audience. We provide creative content that engages our readers and encourages them to start a conversation on many different topics concerning mental health. We’ve discovered a great number of adults grapple with mental health issues throughout their life. Can you identify the triggers of your poor mental health? There are many different types of mental issues a person can face.

You can also suffer an identity crisis when you’re assuming your role into adulthood, but UNITED EXTRA EXPRESS  understands how a combination of written content and fashion can bring awareness to mental health. Stop questioning your identity and get rid of instability by visiting our blog for resource availability. You have the master key to your true identity and inner peace. What others think of you will no longer matter. We’ll help you change your perspective and focus on what you think about yourself. If you are having problems dealing with your mental health, please dial 111. They will tell you the right place to get help if you need to see someone. Use the NHS 111 online service, or call 111. You may be able to speak to a nurse, or mental health nurse, over the phone.

If you or someone you know is in need of help, please call the National HELP Line 1-800-662-HELP (4357) OR The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Hours: Available 24 hours.

Languages: English, Spanish. Learn more 1-800-273-8255.

Woman wearing cat-eye sunglasses.

Donate to (NAMI) National Alliance on Mental Illness.

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